5 Mind Boggling Crochet World Records
Think it's a miracle you made a queen-sized afghan in just a few days? Think again. These crochet world records prove that you may not be as talented (or as crazy) as you think you are.
1. World's Largest Crochet Afghan
67 crochet blankets were assembled in Pretoria, South Africa on April 21, 2015 for that nation's Nelson Mandela Day. Measuring 36,349.58 ft² (3,377 m²) and made up of over 4,000 individual blankets, I don't even want to think about how many yarn ends had to be woven in!
©Peter Morrey
2. Most People Crocheting Simultaneously
Just how many people does it take to break this world record? 485. Achieved by the American University of Nigeria in Yola, Nigeria, on April 24, 2015.
3. World's Longest Crochet Chain
At 80.78 miles (130 km) long, the world's longest crochet chain surely caused some hand cramps. Youch! Got six months of time on your hands? It was created in 2008 by Anne Vanier-Drüssel of France in just over 6 months. I think I'll design some patterns instead or, maybe, come up with something to make from the chain...
4. World's Largest Crochet Hook (and knitting needles)
©Jessica Kayte
In 2013 Jim Bolin made a 6' long crochet hook for The Yarn Shop in Casey, Illinois. Then, the owner had to crochet a square with it to prove it worked. Yeah, I'm pretty glad I didn't have to do it. And—bonus!—he made knitting needles too!
5. World's Fastest Crocheter
I like to think that I'm a pretty fast crocheter, but I definitely don't have the stamina or dexterity to contest American Lisa Gentry's record. Despite many challengers, no one has been able to beat her record of 5,113 stitches in 30 minutes (equal to 170 stitches/minute) set on June 25, 2005 at a Michaels Arts and Crafts in Monroe, Louisiana. How'd she do it? I bet lots of practice, smooth sliding yarn, and loads of supports. Well, that and a repeating shell pattern of three treble crochet stitches. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the one to beat her...